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Feasibility Documents
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A2 - Community survey data.pdf
A1 - Constitution.pdf
A3 - Group surveys data.pdf
A4 - Youth survey data.pdf
A5 - Facilities List.pdf
A6 - Hall utilisation.pdf
A8 - Finance info from WCH.pdf
A7 - Capital Investment Plan.pdf
A10 - Stakeholder feedback.pdf
A9 - WCH feasibility input.pdf
A12 - Site selection report.pdf
A11 - DNPA pre-app feedback.pdf
A15 - Architect preliminary plans (Feb 2
A14 - Sports Group feedback.pdf
A13 - Pegging out report.pdf
A12 - Site selection appendix - figures.
A17 - Financial costing detail.pdf
A16 - Architect design.pdf
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